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How to check Quality of cement on field

A cement is a binder material which bind with other material. Cement is important factor material which improve the strength of concrete. The color of the cement should be grey in colour with a light greenish shade. The colour of cement gives an indication of clay or excess lime and the degree of burning.Cement reduce the strength with respect to time.

It is important to check the quality of cement on site at time of inspection.It gives some rough idea of quality of cement .Quality test of cement is important factor at construction site.It give some idea about the cement quality at field based on colour, feel and float tests etc. These are some method to check the quality of cement at field-:

1) Colour test
2) Float test
3) Packing date 
4) Setting test or Shape Test
5) Presence of lumps Test
6) Hand inspection Test 
7) Strenght Test
8) Temprature Test
9) Rubbing    

Colour Test-:    The color of the cement should be grey in colour with a light greenish shade. The colou of cement gives an indication of clay or excess lime and the degree of burning.

Presence of lumps Test-:  Lumps are formed by the absorption of moisture from the atomsphere. It should be free from any type of  hard lumps.wheen any type of cement bag containing such lumps it should be rejected.

Float Test-:  If a small quantity of cement is thrown in a bucket of water, the particles should float for some time before it sinks.

quality of cement

Packing Date -:
Also check the quality of cement by checking the date of packing. Strenght of cement reduce with time. Generally used cement before 90 days of manufacturing date.

Setting Test or Shape Test:- Make a thick paste of cement with water is made on a glass plate it kept under water for 24 hours ( one day) .It should be set and not crack, in case it should be crack so it means quality of cement is not good.

Hand inspection Test:- Thrust your hand into the cement it should feel smooth and it should give cool felling. But in case it is feel felt rough,it means hydration reaction is taking place in the bag.

Strenght Test:- Explain with example, carry a block of cement 2.5cm x 2.5cm and 20.0cm long and immeresed in water for a 7 days .It is placed on support 150cm apart and it is loaded with a weight  of 340N.Then it should not show any sign of failure.

A briquettes of a lean mortar 1:6 are made. size of briquettes may be about 7.5cm x 2.5cm x 1.2cm. They are immersed for a three (3) days in water after drying. such briquettes will not broken easily.

Temprature Test:- Thrust your hand in a bag of cement or heap of cement, it should not warm and feel cool.

Rubbing :- If hand is inserted ina bag take a pinch of cement between fingers and rub it. It feel smooth whilw rubbing. If it felt rough, it means adulteration with sand.


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