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Running Account Bill from CPWD Department

In civil engg construction in INDIA ,Running account bill of contractor are prepared by Junior Eng (JE) as well as with his department. This type of bill are prepared some of instruction follow by the department. Running Account Bill basically prepared in work in ongoing process. This type of bill prepare in large type of construction amount. In that bill the total amount of construction divided by 50% of amount. For e.g in such case the total cost of project is 2 lack and in that case running Bill is half the total cost of construction.

Running Account Bill is very important in construction field. Basically Running Account Bill is total cost of Project completed by contractor or Companies. In Running Account Bill 10% of total estimated cost given to the contractor or companies through the responsibly department. The 10% is the amount calculated by the total cost. 
 Making Running Bill of Building-:

  1. You must have tentative quantities of each activity that is required to be completed for project (building construction).
  1. You must find the agreed rate of each activity.
  1. You must find the actual quantity executed of each activity.
  1. you must know the standard deductions that work is liable to have like security deposit or performance guarantee, deduction of mobilization advance/ any deduction for electricity/ water or other facility provided by client/ any penalty for delay etc.
  1. you must find the tax that is applicable and any surcharges there on.
  1. Prepare the Bill of quantity (bill of quantities of each item) in Excel.
  1. Enter the actual quantity executed against each activity.
  1. check whether each actually executed quantity is lesser that than the planned or estimated  quantity. (Generally it is less, however if any executed quantity is more that mentioned in planned or estimated budgeted BOQ) then before claiming the extra quantity of that particular activity over the budgeted quantity one may have to take a deviation approval, sometimes if deviated quantity is more the rate may get modified with mutual acceptance of contractor and client.
  1. Once the executed quantity is entered carrefull and compared with estimated quantity and rates are already known. Multiply both to the obtain amount claimable against each activity.  The rate and quantity should be in same units other wise the amount of running bill can be far high or far low.
  1. Do a grand total of claimable amount.
  1. Make deduction for applicable items as mentioned earlier whih purchase by through department store.
  1. The nett bill amount is obtained and add all necessary taxes etc. as applicable.
  1. Your bill is  now ready.
  1. Before submitting it there are some formalities that vary with clients like certification by inspection officer regarding satisfactory quality of work, mutual agreement of client’s and contractor’s representative upon measurements of activities claimed in bill, attaching copy/ original purchase bill for cement- steel or other items, attaching royalty receipts of any mining resource used in project etc.

For making bill for a building. following are necessarily mush have a list of all activities that are planned in the building.

Coming To Preparing of Bill:
Bill are of two types one is running bill and other is final bill. In a final bill all executed quantities are claimed, all deductibles are subtracted and earlier paid sum form previous Running bills is deducted.Then nett bill amount is then added with TAX etc.
Generally we prepare Running bill only, hence giving procedure for the same.


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